Livestream: . Presentations will be added on this link once we get approval from the speakers
The WHO R&D Blueprint is organizing a consultation to apply scientific lessons learned during the SARS-CoV-2 global pandemic and other recent outbreak to address the research needs for unknown agents capable of future pandemics – Pathogen X.
Main discussion points include the following, with reference to research and development leading to safe and effective vaccines and therapeutics:
Review of previous pandemics with an emphasis on COVID-19
What relevant scientific information did we have before the pandemic?
What scientific strategies were successful?
What scientific strategies could be improved?
What will the next pandemic look like?
What research will facilitate identification of the next pandemic?
What needs to be done to prepare for possible pathogens, including unexpected or re-emerging pathogens (e.g., AMR)?
What can be done in advance of the next pandemic?
What are the scientific and research gaps? And how can they be met?
How can scientific and research findings facilitate vaccine and therapeutic development?
How can other approaches facilitate response to a future pandemic?
An outline list of scientific gaps and priority research questions to prepare for pathogens with epidemic and pandemic potential.
What drew my attention here is the mention of unexpected or re-emerging pathogens with antimicrobial resistance and I am looking forward to hear tomorrow which ones they refer to.
And be alert for the highlight of the livestream on 16:30 –16:40 titled One Health, "Disease X" & the challenge of "Unknown" Unknowns presented by Pranab Chatterjee from Johns Hopkins University, US.
As I previously said One Health is the code for global health fascism crafed by the Rockefeller Foundation and you will be hearing it more and more going forwards by the “stakeholders”.