
"The Engineers of the Migrant Crisis"

After the Romans destroyed their Temple in 70 AD, the Rabbis seek revenge to this day. Today they consider Rome to be Europe and America.
According to their prophecies, Ishmael (the Muslims) will flood western countries and cause havoc there. The Migrant Crisis was engineered thousands of years ago, and the Rabbis are following the script to the letter.

We know our Torah and the 36 times it commands us to care for the stranger, the most frequently repeated mitzvah in our tradition. Because today, welcoming the stranger means welcoming the 76,000 Afghani citizens who were airlifted and brought to the U.S. in a matter of weeks last August. The largest military evacuation of refugees in history.


Well, look, Europe is being tested, as it has not been tested since the Second World War. Angela Merkel is entirely right here. The European Union was created as a kind of way of saying we recognize human rights after the catastrophe of two world wars and the Holocaust.


And it's very chilling to see some of these scenarios being reenacted. I don't want to make a direct comparison, but now is the time for humanitarian compassion to triumph.


We cannot regard the human tragedy unfolding on our borders, the horrific conditions to which migrant families seeking better lives for their children have been subjected, with anything less than moral fury. And now we are informed that Sunday, Immigration and Customs Enforcement will undertake additional efforts in cities around the country, including New York, to pursue the undocumented.


Our sacred narratives and historic experiences call upon us to respond. In America today, we have white supremacy. In the Torah, we had Amalek. Amalek is seen as the eternal enemy of our people, whose members found strength by making us suffer. Therefore, when the Lord your God grants you safety from all your enemies around you,


and the land that the Lord your God is giving to you as a hereditary portion, you shall blot out the memory of Amalek from under heaven. Do not forget, blotting out Amalek need not merely be about military conquest. Equally important is ideological victory. And nothing could more readily counter white supremacy than a Jewish community


proudly helping our Muslim neighbors. There is nothing that undermines a white supremacist worldview more than diverse communities getting along and building together towards the future. organized a letter signed by over 1,200 rabbis.


Can you imagine getting 1,200 rabbis to agree on one thing? But agree they did. And what they agreed was to ask our elected officials not to halt or even to limit the United States refugee admissions program.


It's written, Hashem say to Abraham, everyone who bless your children automatically will be blessed by me. And everyone who will curse them or give them a hard time automatically will be cursed by me. And you can see all these nations, all these anti-Semite nations. They are all being destroyed as we speak.


All the European anti-Semites, Hashem sent them cancer to their countries. The Arabs, that's their cancer. They're taking over their countries. They're occupying the streets. They intimidate them. They destroy them. There's crime. They rob them. They're violent. They block the streets. And they force their culture on them. And they're taking away Paris, London, all these places.


You can see there's riots in London for mentoring. They killed some girls there. I don't know exactly the story. This is their punishment. They came and killed the Jews that were in Europe. Hashem said, no problem. I'm going to give you something a lot better than the Jews that you killed.


I'm going to send you the children of Ishmael. You will have a taste.


What's going to be with the guy in Mashiach Hamas? Will they be destroyed and annihilated? Or... The Goyim. Or will they... Someone has to be curious. Okay. You can't really argue that the Goyim are going to be annihilated. That's not really an option for all the Nebuis, all the prophecies. And not only Goyim as individuals,


you could say that we broke down their nationalities and there are a whole bunch of Yechidim running around. No. As nations even. As Goyim, they're gone. their personality, as they exist if they asmum, as they would exist independently of Christ, so they don't exist. There's nothing. In modern terminology, in modern terminology, they call it cultural genocide.


It's the end of days. You're going to need the... iron of Esav, which represents Edom, which is the West, Europe, and the Americas, to get intermixed with Yishmael, which is basically Arabs and Muslims. How in the world was this ever going to happen if not for this refugee crisis? At the end of days,


you're going to have this intermixing between Esav, Edom, which is the West, and the East, which is the Muslims and the and the Arabs, making this influx into the world. And they're going to have children, you know, I don't want to say by the dozens,


but they're going to have a far larger birth rate than the indigenous people there, and they're going to sort of conquer by number.


I think there's a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time, Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we're going to be part of the throes of that of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century.


Jews are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.


The idea of having these refugees come into Europe, it's no longer a matter of whether it's right or wrong, it's just simply a fulfillment of what it was meant to be all along. This is the fulfillment of the Rehazal and the prophecies. This has to happen,


and this is just another sign that we are nearing the completion of this Tikkun of the entire world.

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