In case you were wondering about why there is such animocities between Christians and Muslims in Europe this video may help you notice the reason behind it.
And no, it is not the far right ! Listen to the good Rabbi kindly explaining:
This danger in the world is if Esau and Yishmael ever came together, if they ever united. It says the Quran, if Edom and Yishmael ever united, they would destroy the world. You can never mix Chayim and Hevel together. And that's why we wish both of these Ummahis in their war against each other,
my message to both of them is we wish both of them tremendous Hatzalah. They should wipe each other out. Both sides should not be as much as us. We wish both sides tremendous, tremendous Hatzalah in their Havodah of wiping out the other party.
It is the Jews.
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