

The muslims want us ded too.

Fuck them.

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Aug 5Liked by The Great Reject

‘There was an error in restacking’: too much truth with evidence for Substack.

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I restacked no problem, and this is only good in showing more jewish deception.

No jew ever forced mohammed to stab, groom, and rape little girls. No jew forced the muslims to invade Spain, Italy, Greece, Anatolia, and Eastern Europe. Sure, jews were there profiting off this. They play every side.

Our side is not with them. It's with US.

Become ethno-centric, before it is too late.

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Aidan is excellent in heart and intention but appears not to know or oddly..deprioritize the history of THE JEWS vis a vis the Muslim reality..Jews of course formed the essence of Islam..Mohamed was a very white looking Jew by many accounts..his first converts were Jews...Jews and early Roman Catholics we're both involved in efforts to control..subvert and fragment all early*Christian*populations ..Jews micromanaged all major sunni Muslim slave trades... Jewish doctors performed the castrations of male slaves especially slaves destined to serve Saudi Arabia ....the First Talmud has spectacular similarity to the Koran..the first of 2 Talmud s was prior to Mohamed s

not yet written koranic claims..visions. demon stories etc.The more post modern researchers expose about The Jews and their deleterious satanic influences from the times of Cain and Abel..Solomon the demon summoner..and also the mystery religions both prior to Abraham..who was not a Jew..but perhaps it's fair to say one of the first habiru..later called Hebrews ..in any case Aidan is correct to have all our folk.

prioritize... protect...and .not to put words in his .mouth..but..we advise...all..to... rearm.network..form militias ..armed disciplined vigilant white .communities..etc.

..Das Juden frage. The Jewish Question..has nesecerily. taken center stage in 2024...now ..we say......prepare for the. holodomor2.0...... .. biological sirs..and rational biological females. prepare fo*r the New American Kristallnacht*

We advise all..*start by utterly eviscerating the Wef--blackrock globohomosexual totalitarian Jew cyborg satanist scum***We also point also to The Occidental Observer..prof KM..*Finally we very much like and appreciate this straightforward and correct article...in closing..we urge all..*Destroy the Synagogue Of Satan*Destroy..utterly..The New Jew Order**

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We are not the same. I want them all gone. Not just jews. I want all foreigners to leave our lands. Africans stab rape and murder. Arabs stab rape and murder. Indians stab rape and murder. Only some asians are fine.

Jews do not force muslims to run rape gangs. Jews do not force niggers to rob and kill. Jews do not force Indians to scam and shit on the streets. Jews are not forcing people to be evil.

Jews are gathering all evil people together. You just cannot believe that there are more races who are just as terrible as the jew. Indians are not allies. Arabs are not allies. Blacks are not allies.

I am racially aware not just because of the crimes of jews, but the crimes of blacks and arabs. Fuckn cucks.

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Thank you for your strong reply..respectfully disagree on the Jew micromanaging subversive advocacy issue .agree with your other points..all best*

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People should read the Ancient sources… how and where it all began . You ‘ll be surprised ! Do not underestimate those who play the innocente/victim part.

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See AIPAC..hias..B'nai brith..zoa..jdl jfs...Tikkun olam Jews..kol nidre Jew prayer*Jews imposing open borders..Kalergi coudenhove..Roche keir starmer pritzker Rothschild Jon pollard Soros Kissinger feinstein Schumer nuland blinken mayorkas Mandy Cohen Barbara Cohen foxman Greenblatt adelson kushner potok hochsteen ..Peter thiel david Geffen ..ballmer. Eric schmidt..ray kursweil...bojo.....sam..b.fried.d.w.schultz..rabbi schmuely boteach rabbi Joshua Stanton ovadia Yosef..wallensky...chertoff.. tim wise..all.. ...open borders Jewdevil advocates...see also..the secret relationship between blacks and Jews....see also..the secret relationship between Jews and Muslims*too late to play dumb..too late to play politically correct insidious traitorous head games or to subsist in ignorant ersatz denialism**

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I know jews are the main enemy. But jews are not raping our people and stabbing them. Thats arabs, indians, and africans. Jews are just using them, sure, but do you numb dolts ever stop and wonder why these people stab, rape, and murder for the jew?

They are getting a great deal by working for the jew. They are enemies. Not allies.

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